A rehabilitation process should be initiated if there is a risk of sick leave for an employee, repeated short-term absences, long-term sick leave, other signs of ill health or if work ability is unclear. The employer is responsible for work adaptation and rehabilitation as long as there is an employment relationship and the goal should in most cases be for the employee to continue working in the company.
It is important that a rehabilitation process is started as soon as possible to reduce the risk of or shorten the sick leave period. The longer an employee is away from work, the harder it will be to come back. As an independent expert resource, Visida can help you in your rehabilitation work. Together we discuss what you need help with in each individual case, such as rehab meetings, work ability investigations and risk assessments of work steps. |
Workplace-oriented rehabilitation support
Visida is an provider of Workplace-oriented rehabilitation support. Workplace-oriented rehabilitation support means that employers can receive grants via the Swedish Social Insurance Agency for efforts to prevent and shorten sick leave for employees.
The employer can receive a grant to investigate, plan, initiate, implement and follow up workplace-oriented measures. For example, it may be about:
All Visida's customers who are employers can apply for this support. The Workplace-oriented rehabilitation support grant goes directly to the employer and covers half the cost of the efforts carried out, but a maximum of SEK 10,000 per person and year or SEK 200,000 per employer and year.
You can apply for the grant at, for example:
Learn more on Försäkringskassans hemsida.
The employer can receive a grant to investigate, plan, initiate, implement and follow up workplace-oriented measures. For example, it may be about:
- Map or investigate what need for support or measures an employee has in order to remain or return to work
- Make a plan for return to work
- Supportive conversations to be able to stay or return to work
- Manage stress, conflict or a crisis in order to stay or return to work
- Adapt the workplace, tasks or working hours
- Hire ergonomists to review the work environment or tasks for the individual, e.g. see the need for adaptations, work aids, learn changed work technique
- Other workplace-oriented measures that an employee needs to remain in or to be able to return to work
All Visida's customers who are employers can apply for this support. The Workplace-oriented rehabilitation support grant goes directly to the employer and covers half the cost of the efforts carried out, but a maximum of SEK 10,000 per person and year or SEK 200,000 per employer and year.
You can apply for the grant at, for example:
- Repeated short-term absences
- Signs of ill health
- The employee has an unclear work ability in relation to their duties
- Risk of sick leave
- The employee risks having difficulties returning to work after a sick leave
- Risk of long-term sick leave
Learn more on Försäkringskassans hemsida.