Physical exam
- Pre-employment physicals determine whether applicants/employees are medically and physically able to perform their jobs. This establishes a medical baseline for employees. We also perform periodic medical monitoring when indicated.
- Fitness-for-duty examinations confirm that employees can perform their job duties upon return from medical leave as part of the company’s health and wellness initiatives.
- Exit physicals determine if the employee is healthy at the time he or she leaves the company.
- Annual and periodic physical examinations keep your employees up-to-date on their health.
The physical exam includes:
Approximate length of time: 60 minutes
Individual results are sent by post. Companies receive a report after all health checks are completed.
Price: 1750 SEK excluding sales tax.
- Health/work history
- Height, weight, and waist girth
- Laboratory tests: Hemoglobin, blood sugar/glucose, cholesterol levels (total cholesterol, trigycerides, LDL, and HDL), and liver function tests (ASAT, ALAT and GT). Additional labortatory tests as needed.
- PSA-mainly for men over 50 years of age-a blood test for screening of the prostate gland.
- TSH-thyroid stimulating hormone-a blood test to screen for thyroid function. Mainly for females.
- Audiogram/Hearing test
- Vision screening
- Blood pressure and ECG (electrocardiogram-a method for measuring cardiac electrical activity in rest. Heart/cardiac illness and rhythm problems can be detected).
- Screening for workplace vibration related problems-hand/arm.
- Spirometry-Lung function test (for those who work in dust, chemicals, etc and for smokers).
- Discussion regarding well-being, health, lifestyle, and workplace environment.
- All results that are outside of normal limits are reviewed by Visida medical doctor.
- Each person in need of further medical guidance is informed and given help with medical referrals.
Approximate length of time: 60 minutes
Individual results are sent by post. Companies receive a report after all health checks are completed.
Price: 1750 SEK excluding sales tax.