Medical check-ups and health assessments in working life
"Medical check-ups and other health assessments, as provided for in the Swedish Work Environment Authority’s regulations, are based on specific factors in the work environment which can cause ill health or injury to workers."
Swedish Work Environment Authority
Swedish Work Environment Authority
Medical exams available at Visida:
Audiometry (hearing test)
Working at heights
Drivers license exam after substance abuse
Driving license health exam
Fibrosis-causing dusts: Asbestos, synthetic inorganic fibers & quartz
Faecses test for workers within food industry
Hand-intensive work medical exam
Lead and Cadmium exposure exam
Mast-wind turbine health certificate
Medical certificate for railroad/train workers
Medical certificate for work with allergenic chemical products
Medical exam for night workers
Mercury exposure exam
Vibration exam, hand and arm
For current prices see our price list.